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Mount Pisgah Academy
Touch a Life
75 Academy Drive
Candler, NC 28715
Or through the Adventist
Soon and very soon, I look forward to meeting that young lad – the lad who gave up his little lunch of five small barley loaves and two small fish to feed a hungry throng that most likely exceeded 15,000 that day! Without a doubt, he will be so shocked to know that all Heaven knew of his generous heart in donating his one simple meal to make a mighty miracle that is recounted in all four gospels of the New Testament.
Would you also like to bring a gift to Jesus and witness a marvelous miracle? That miracle happens every day on the hallowed grounds of our campus at Mount Pisgah Academy that heralds as its mission and message this simple slogan – Jesus Lives at Mount Pisgah Academy.
My own children are grown up now, but by God’s grace, if I still have the privilege of serving Christ in Carolina, I know that when the time comes, Carole and I intend to invest in all three of our granddaughters being touched for Christ at MPA. Till then I have been extended a sacred invitation – to dedicate a “meal” to make a miraculous difference in the life of a young person as an investment for Heaven. Yes the students at MPA are my children and they are yours too! For the Bible tells us that they are a heritage of the Lord!
That’s what Touch a Life at MPA is all about. It’s about all of us together following the example of that little lad who made a vast difference by a simple act of dedication. What if? What if all of us faithfully dedicated something – say even $10 – every single month to Touch a Life at MPA till Jesus returns? No parent would ever have to walk away from Mount Pisgah Academy with a broken heart of hunger for lack of financial resources to ensure that their son or daughter’s life could be touched by the presence and indwelling power of Jesus on these sacred grounds.
I invite you to join Carole and me in being a faithful monthly partner for Touch a Life at MPA. And when the Savior looks into your eyes and asks the most important question of His heart as penned by the prophet Jeremiah, “Where is the flock that was given to you, your beautiful sheep?” -- you can respond with radiant joy that your dedicated commitment is being rewarded as you see “your” children return home from the land of the enemy [Jeremiah 31:16-17].
Thank you for your prayerful consideration in being a faithful partner by touching a life at MPA till we are safely home with our Savior.
Leslie D. Louis,
President, A servant leader for the Lord
Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists